Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Beloved Wife, Son and My Cousin

It's been 2 years since the last time i went back to my hometown..A lot of things had changed dramatically...I'ved married with my girlfriend, Li Ling and she had give birth to my son, Anson Bong on the 06-05-2004....
The pretty girl that stand beside me is my beloved wife,Li Ling...A short and a bit "hot temper" cute little girl ..Working as an administrator in a Painting Company...We went through a lot of sweet,sour,bitter and spicy memory since the days we met each other 4 years back...Now we go back together with our son, Anson Bong to visit and celebrate CHINESE NEW YEAR with my parent in kuching..
The handsome guy (Right side) is my capable cousin,
Wilson Chin, who working as IT SUPPORT at Kuching...
We know each other since we're child...His stay at Limbang most of the time and just move out to Kuching since he started study at INTI college..Now he had graduate from INTI and started working as IT SUPPORT at kuching...We never meet each other for about 2 years...Feel so happy to meet my cousin back again at Kuching...But too bad that i can't stay longer at Kuching due to i need to start work on the 2nd days of chinese new year...But i still feel happy to meet him back..
I also meet a lot of my old friends which lost contact for 2-3 years...They all still the same.....The only difference is....OLD liao..Haha..This is what we so called "LIFE"..Managed to exchange contact no and e-mail addrress this time for easier contact next time..