Monday, February 05, 2007

Medical Checkup Day

Today is the medical checkup day for my wife and my precious daughter,Elva.
My daughter's heart was diagnosed with a tiny little hole by doc when she was born.
And doctor wants us to bring her back for a Cardiac diagnosis to check her heart.
After went through the cardiac diagnosis,the doctor saying that the tiny hole at my daughter heart was a natural hole which suppose be able to cure itself. And this tiny hole is very common among all the new born baby nowadays.
So doctor put my daughter 2nd appointment at after 4 months time which is fall on the May.
After settled the payment, i bring my wife back to Clinic & surgery For women @ Far East Plaza for my wife's appointment.
The doctor, DR CHAN saying that my wife condition was getting better and should be fully recover soon. :)
My wife and i was appreciated for his kindness and help before and after my wife give birth. He did give us a lot of advise and try his best to ensure us about the condition of my daughter.
*Thanks You So Much DR. CHAN*

My wife was trying to protect my daughter from the sunlights.

Clinic and Surgery for women @ Far East Plaza.

My wife and i had took a photo with DR CHAN for memory. He is a nice doctor.
I Really Appreciate for his kindness and help.