Sunday, September 18, 2011

Iphone Trick: SSH Photo Back To Camera Roll

I just restore my iphone minutes ago and i get stuck on the camera roll photo which i got dozen of them. I been trying hard to figure out how to put back the photo back into iphone 4 after i restore it. After scroll through the powerful internet, i managed to get it done! Just follow the trick below:-

The solution was to fix the "Camera Roll" by going into /private/var/mobile/Media/PhotoData and deleting:

The next time wghen u open the Photo Album it will say it is rebuilding the photo library and when it is done all of your photos will showed up.

Yeah!! That's simple right :)


Unknown said...

Excellent, this actually worked. I only had one of those files to delete (I forget which one now) but I respringed and went into photos and it all loaded back up. Thanks very much

kenbong said...

You are most welcomed :)