Friday, August 14, 2009


Last time my wife and i were invited by my friend, Johnson to have dinner at Hong Kong Cafe.
And my wife and i were really impressed with the food there.
So we decide to go Hong Kong Cafe tonight for our dinner together with our friend, Joann. ^^
Hong Kong Cafe have several branch in singapore. After several hours of discussion,we decided to go to the one with 24 hours which is located beside Kovan MRT Station.
We ordered around 5-6 dishes and all of them are very delicious!! ^^

This is the only Hong Kong Cafe which open 24 hours (Located beside the Kovan MRT Station)

From left: Joann and Li Ling


This Itali spaghetti is very nice. ^^

Pork Chop

Chicken Chop

My favourtite Curry Chicken !! ^^ Yummy !!

Both of them finished all the food and went home fully. It's good to bring someone who capable to finish all the food and both of them always the ideal choice. ^^

转自Jasper部落格: "爱情其实是细水长流"

很久没上来更新自己的部落格了。。有点忙+懒惰 = =


     回想当初追求妻子的时候,我还真是吃了不少苦头。妻子特别漂亮,工作、收入等各方面也比我好,为了能抱得美人归,我真是什么招都用了,每天疲惫不 堪。妻子却始终不冷不热,即使现在在一起过日子,也感觉不到她对我怎么热情。有时侯,我甚至怀疑妻子对我的感情。结婚之前,有那么一段时间,由于工作压力 大,感情上又觉得没得到对等的回报,曾经一度想放弃算了,可是毕竟追了那么长时间,有点不甘心。我想,大概妻子就是这样的性格吧,再说,恋爱这种事,付出 和所得不一定非要对等!
     我妻子很少笑,即使笑,也是很低浅的那种笑容,温和却不热烈。我开始留意自己的穿着举止,频频更换衬衫和领带,上班对我来说成了一件快乐的事情。我 有时候想,如果我没结婚,我一定去追求这个有着好看笑容的女孩。可是,每到这个时候,我就不敢再想下去,心里觉得很对不起妻子,想想她每天家里外头操持 着,很不容易,老公心里想着别人,未免太残忍了。
     那段时间,我过得比当年追我妻子的时候还要累。几天前,妻子过生日。或许是因为心虚,也为了让自己心理得到平衡,所以买了玫瑰,还订了蛋糕,弄了瓶 红酒,早早就回了家。妻子回来,看到这些后并没有多大惊喜,我有些失望。但是吃饭的时候,妻子喝多了,之后,她哭了。她说:老公,你是不是心里有别人了?我当时汗毛都竖起来了,妻子看出了我的变化,接着说:其 实这段时间我心里特别害怕,我怕你和我离婚!你不知道,其实我特别离不开你,你一直对我特别好,我心里都明白,也觉得特别知足,可我不知道该怎样去表达。 我还想,过两年生个小孩,三口人多好啊!这段时间,你特别不对劲。你别不承认,你就是不对劲!我心里特别害怕,你要跟我离婚,我可怎么办啊!妻子喝得太多了,说话有点语无伦次,但是字字句句都发自肺腑,也刻在我心!我无法相信这番话出自妻子的口中,这个一直像个女王一样对我不冷不热的女人,原来心里这么依赖我!看着妻子的眼泪,我忽然觉得挺踏实,挺满足。
     之后的日子我无比轻松,我终于明白妻子离不开我,我也舍不得妻子。原来我们仍旧相爱,只是这份爱慢慢地在沉淀,变成了一种习惯,虽然很容易被忽略, 但是却很坚固。其实所有男人都是一样,走在路上看到美女都难免侧目。但看过之后,都会老老实实回来帮妻子提菜篮子。生活是细水长流,经年累月的事,不是一 时兴起。

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pulau Ubin Trip

Pulau Ubin is in essence, the last 'kampung' (village) in Singapore and Ubin is a great day trip spent walking or pedaling through rustic roads under swaying coconut palms, exploring shady trails in overgrown rubber plantations, checking out secluded beaches and flourishing mangroves.
I been staying at singapore for almost 9 years but this is my first time visit to Pulau Ubin.
I went there together with my wife and our best friend,Joann.
She became our tour guide when we were there because she is more familiar there than us.
We went there by bumboat. The only transport to send us there from singapore.
Once we reach pulau ubin,we can see a lot of bicycle for rent. Pulau ubin is a ideal place to train your cycling skill because you need a bicycle to go around this tiny island.
We rent 3 bicycle and start our adventure trip here. ^^
Here you can see a lot of forest and farm. And the air here is very fresh too. It really make me feel like i was at my hometown at Kuching.
A lot of tourist like to come here because of the green environment here. ^^
We spent about 3 hours here and went back tiring. It been so long since the last time i do exercise. = ="
Seem like i need to come back here more often to do more exercise.

A lot of peoples like to come here to do exercise and relaxing their mind.

Pulau Ubin,the last 'kampung' (village) in Singapore.

We went there by bumboat. Each of us pay SGD 2.50.

From Left: Joann & My wife,li ling.

We were so excited about this trip because we been waiting so long for this trip! ^^

After 15-20 mins,we finally reach Pulau Ubin.

Welcome To Pulau Ubin !! It's Adventure Time!!

When we were looking for a shop to rent bicycle, we spotted a funny tourist wearing a sexy lady sleepwear. And he is busy taking photo with other tourist.

We rent 3 bicycles and start our journey ^^

"1,2,3 LET START!!"

This lake is very spectacular. And the water is very clear.

Along the way,we can see a lot of peoples fishing here too.

After 2 hours cycling non-stop,my wife and Joann finally getting tired. = =" Haha

After a tiring 3 hours here, we decided to end our trip and went back home.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Anson's 5th Birthday

"Happy birthday to u~~ Happy birthday to u~~Happy Birthday to Anson~~Happy Birthday To U!!~~"
Today is my son, Anson's 5th birthday!!
And today is a bit special for him because he celebrates his birthday at his school together with his classmates.
Early morning, i brought down the birthday cake to his school. He is so happy when he saw the cake. ^_^
When the teacher light the candle, all of his classmates surrounded him and ask him to make a birthday wish.
He was a bit shy because he never celebrate his birthday with so many people before. haha.
After he makes the wish, the teacher cut the cake into few pieces and asked him to pass it to all of his classmates.
And of course,his precious sister Elva also waiting for his birthday cake. ^^
Elva also came to join his brother birthday party at the school.
Happy Birthday To You Anson...

The Birthday cake is here!! 2 Birthday cake for him this year ^^

He is waiting quietly for the teacher to prepare the birthday cake.

Make A Wish~~~

He is a bit shy when surrounded by his classmates.

"Happy birthday to u~~ Happy Birthday To U~~Happy Birthday To Anson~~......."

Elva also busy helping his brother...(Help to eat the cake) ^_^

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Johnson & Oi Leng Wedding Day

Today is the "Big Day" for my friend,Johnson.
He is going to marry her girlfriend on this special day.
Johnson is one of my friend i get known when i work at Sony Square.
He is a funny and helpful guy. Always help us to buy lunch when we were working together at Sony Square.
Even though i left Sony Square, we still keep in contact with each other.
Firstly when he told me that he is going to marry, i was a bit surprise.
He doesn't looked like those guy who want to settle down that fast.
Until the day when my wife and i was invited to become the witness of this marriage by him,then i realized that he is serious this time round. = =" Haha..
The solemnization start at 2pm. We reached the Registry Of Marriage about 1:45pm.
Johnson looked sibei handsome today. ^^ And the bride looked very beautiful today.
The whole solemnization took about 15 mins. After exchange the wedding rings, they are now a loving young husband and wife.
Feel so happy for Johnson and Oi Leng.

Entrance of the registry of marriage.

The handsome bridegroom,Johnson and beautiful bride,Oi Leng.

From Left: Johnson's Father, Johnson And Oi leng.

Sweet loving couple. ^_^

My wife and i take a photo together with the bridegroom and the bride.
I looked like getting older.. = ="

A lot of couple are waiting for their turn for the wedding solemnization.

My friend, Johnson is still waiting for his turn outside the room.

Wedding Ring.


2 more couple before my friend's turn.

Finally is our turn now. Johnson start getting nervous. Haha..

Hardly got chance to see Johnson listen to people with such a serious face. :)

"I DO"...

Exchange wedding now.

"You may kiss your bride now"..So sweet~~~

Marriage certificate.. Both of them are husband and wife now!

Wish both of you 白头到老!