Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mini Party

My friends Lim just finished his Final Exam recently..So we both had decided to held a simple "Mini Party" at our "OLD PLACE, Blk 511 Pasar"..We used to have drink together at the "511 Pasar" when i was stay at Bedok North..It is a place where you can find a lot of delicious food and have a drink with your friends happily due to its enviroment..We used to drink at the corner of the pasar because it is dark and quiet here. No one will come and disturb us and you can chat whatever topic you want.Lim had order some delicious food and i had order 2 bottle of Carlsberg (Our Favourite)..We had a nice chat that night..After we finish our meal,a friend had come and join our "Mini party"..He is Lim's friend, David.A friendly and helpful guy. We just get known each other recenlty on an occasional gathering..He was stay next to my block that time..But i had move to Bedok Reservoir View now..So,we also seldom come out for gathering after that..I love to make new friends regardless of citizenship or race...Because we can share our happiness,sad ......And sometimes they will give us advise when we facing some problem..That why i very treasure our friendship..And hope it can be last forever..After David join,Lim had order 2 more bottle of Carlsberg...And i had noticed that David just bought a NOKIA N70 which its' camera is 2.0 MegaPixel...So i had took few of our photo to test the quality of the photo took by the NOKIA N70..Since it was night time,so i had change the camera setting to NIGHT SCENE MODE with flashlight on.The quality of the photo is quite impressive (Compare to my O2 mini)..We stay till 1 a.m then dismiss from our "Mini Party"...It was a great party..Especially for Lim..Finally graduate from MDIS Business School..Congratulation To You Pierre Lim..A Bright Future Was Waititng Ahead Of You..

Pierre Lim

I start getting drunk ..Hehe

Happy face ...

Delicious food ordered by Pierre Lim

David ( Captured through his NOKIA N70)..