Saturday, March 04, 2006

Where Are You?

The guy above is JIMMY..A best friend of mine that i met through Cybernet Cafe at Grandlink Square,Paya Lebar...He is a Malaysian from IPOH...A very nice and funny guy....
Friendship is a very strange and unexplainable relationship that occured at every corner of this world everyday..
Jimmy was a guy that i met at a Cybernet Cafe of Grandlink Square called "Mechmaster" which is locate at Paya Lebar..Still remember the first time we met,he was playing the lan game "counter-strike"..And i'm playing with him on the same map and same team...We start chatting to each other after we two was killed at the same time..Died with dignity..Hehe..We found out that we had the same similarity character and he was a talkactive guy...
After few round of the game,he asking me whether i'm a smoker or not and want me to go out for smoke..Due to my curious,i agreed with him and promised to meet outside the smoking area..
It was a funny scene at that moment...I still remember when i went out to look for him,a guy was holding on a cigarette and standing beside the toilet door with a cool style..When i walked pass the guy,he suddenly turn to me and asked whether i'm "SIMON" or not...Without think twice,i straight forward reply him that i'm not SIMON and walked away.. While i was inside the toilet,i wonder why it's take so long for Jimmy to look for me since he said that he going to wait for me outside but yet i can't saw him..(Actually we never met each other before)..Suddenly the guy that asking about the SIMON things flash into my mind..Is it possible that the guy that asking about the SIMON is JIMMY? Because i use the nick "summer" during the game..So i went out and look for that funny guy again..Luckily he was still there and seem like is waiting for someone...I go toward him and asked politely :"Are you 007?"(He was use this "007" as his nick during the game)..He nod his head and asked "Are you SIMON?"..Haha..I replied him that i'm not SIMON but i'm "SUMMER"....Then we both laugh together..He had pronounce my nick wrongly...Since then,we had become a close friend..
We always go to play game together till midnight and he also become my driver when is time to go home because he was driving a lorry(his company one)...I really enjoy my time with him at Grandlink Square and i feel happy all the time..(I also get known to my wife at Grandlink Square..Hehe..) Beside playing game,he also always help me to solve the problem that i face and console me when i'm sad..He was a mature guy indeed..He always there to guide and encourage me when i'm down..I really feel so lucky to have such best friend...
But unfortunately we had lost contact after i married...We last gathering was on my son "Full month" celebration..He come over to my house to celebrate with me....That was the last time we see each other..Actually he ever SMS me that he was going to terminate his current mobile phone no and apply for a new one..And he also promised to SMS me his new phone no once he sign up for a new service provider..But i never receive any news from him since then..It had been around for 2 years ....
I really wish to meet him again in the future..Honestly,He is one of the best friend that i ever met before..
For those who know Jimmy and reading my blog now,please kindly inform Jimmy that i'm looking for him and hope to hear from him soon..He may contact me through my e-mail address..Jimmy,if u are reading my blog now please let me know your whereabouts....I really wish to hear from you soon in the future..
Wish you all the best...