Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Mum Is Coming To Singapore Part II

My mum like to shop for nice + cheap clothes..
So my wife and i had bring her go to shop around at the shopping mall..
She was busy look for the clothes she want most of the time...Hehe..

After few hours of shopping, she finally get what she wants and prepare to go back happily... :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

My Mum is Coming To Singapore Part I

It's been almost 1 year since my mum come to singapore.
So i had asked my mum to come singapore again to visit her grandson and granddaughter.
And at the same time my maid had went back to Phillipine ,so my mum can help me take care my son and daughter too.. :)
My brother and i was off today. So we went to Senai Airport,JB to fetch my mum to come into Singapore.
It's a sunny day today. :)

I like the natural view of Malaysia especially the green environment.

We reach Senai Airport about 4pm and my mum filght was delayed..
So my brother and i went to 1 of the fastfood restaurant here and settle our lunch+dinner here. Hehe..

My brother and i was too hungry...So we order a lot of food here..While i go order the food,my brother go to reserve a nice seats for me..

We order 9 pieces of chicken... Toooo hungry... lol
My mum arrived at 6:30pm..We straight way fetch her into Singapore once she arrived since it's too late..
And of course we bring my mum go for dinner at my place...
Since my mum was so tired after the flight, we decided to let my mum rest earlier and bring her out for shopping tomorrow..

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day

Today is a Christmas Day...
Sometimes i feel like i am old already.. "=.=
No mood to go out for celebration..
Since my wife was off today,no choice...So i decided to bring my whole family out for dinner at Long John Silver. ^^
Been quite a while since the last time we go to Long John Silver for dinner...
When i was on the way out from my house, i had took some of the photo of my house just for fun... ^^

I was staying on the 2nd floor of this HDB flat. This is the front view of the HDB..

This is the sideview of the HDB Flat..

Finally we reached Bedok Central. Bedok central is a "Small Town" area where there's a lot of shop and food court here.
A lot of people love to shop at NTUC Fair Price because it have most of the things that we need to buy such as raw meat, shampoo, canned food and etc...

NTUC have a lot of branches on whole singapore. So normally it can be found at most of the place... :)

Here is where we can see a lot of small kids playing the "Motorbike" and "Car"..
Normally a lot of people will gathering here during evening time and watch their kids playing around here..
My son want to join the fun too when he saw there's a lot of small kids playing there..
After checked with the auntie who is in-charge of the "motorbike" and "car"
there,i paid $3.00 for 10 minutes for my son's BMW..

This is his 1st time to play in this car..So he always knock on people when he start drive in his BMW.. :)

10 minutes passed,my son been dragged out from the car...He keep shouting that he still want to continue playing the car... "=.=
Ignore his request of play the car again, we decided to walk around all the shop here to see on the new shoe and new clothes for chinese new year..

Most of the shop here is having promotion for this upcoming chinese new year...
A lot of "BUY 1 GET 1 FREE" can be found on most of the shop here..

My daughter was crying when we passby this shop...My wife show her a cute little bear to make her stop crying...But she never have it at the

This is ShengSong supermarket.. ShengSong is another alternative beside NTUC fair price supermarket here...
This ShengSong is owned by a Malaysian... The stuff selling inside is quite cheap as well..
From the crowd over here, we can know that a big promotion is going on inside there.. :)

After having our dinner at Long John Silver,my daughter finally wake up from her sweet dream..
And of course she missed the food.. :)

It almost 10pm..So it go back time...
when we was on the way to interchange, we noticed that a small stall is selling all the Chinese New yaer sticker and ang pao..

Time pass so fast...After christmas, the next big festival that waiting for us is CHINESE NEW YEAR!!

Well..This is the end of my simple Christmas Day celebration for this year..

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Liang Seah Street

Today is a sunny saturday. :)
So i take this opportunity to walk around at Bugis. My favourite place to relax my mind..
During my walk at Bugis, i noticed a small street just beside the place where i had my steamboat at chuan yi ping (川一品)with my colleague before..
This street is called "Liang Seah Street".

The building here is very colourful and the window is very old fashioned too.

Below the colourful window is full with a lot of small restaurant and pub.
This is a nice place for people to rest their mind and have a nice chat with friends after work or during break time....
When i was taking photo at this street, i saw someone is selling my hometown made mee "kolo mee"..

The taste is difference when compare to my hometown one(kuching)...
The taste of the kolo mee at my hometown still the best.. :)

At about 3:30pm, feel a bit tired..
So i went to one of the restaurant here and relax myself from this tiring day..
Among all the restaurant here, i choose the Hong Kong Tea Restaurant (香港茶餐厅)

I ordered a cup of ice tea and a butter + peanut cake...

The butter+peanut cake is very sweet....

Saturday, December 08, 2007

MRT Breakdown

When i was taking MRT to work today, a MRT breakdown had occurred at about 10:30am.
It happen when i going to reach the Queenstown MRT Station.
An announcement of the MRT Breakdown was made before i reached Queenstown MRT Station.
All of the passenger inside the train been instructed to alight at Queenstown Mrt Station and wait for another train.
My office is located at Commonwealth. The next stop of the Queenstown.
So a bit bad luck for me. Just 1 more stop.. "=.=
It's almost 10:40 now and i am late to work already...
Finally the next train arrived and i just hurry to rush in and hopefully my boss haven't come to office yet..
When i reached my office, my boss haven't come yet. :)
Luckily he haven't come... lol..

The train breakdown and all the passenger been instructed to alight the train.

Waiting for another train to come.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A boring Raining Day Part II

Already 7pm..But outside still raining heavily..Non-stop for whole day.. "=.=
When i just wondering when my friend is coming back to fetch me home, my phone ringing..
Eric called me and ask me to join Mr Tan (Eric's Friend) and him for dinner at 1 of the Steamboat Restaurant at Bugis.
He come to fetch me and we go together to Bugis with Mr Tan.

We were on the way to Bugis. Still raining outside... "=.=

When we pass by the Bugis junction, the decoration of the Christmas Event have attracted my attention..It's very beautiful....How i wish there's snow at singapore during Christmas..

From left: Mr Tan & Eric

We reached there about 8:45pm. The restaurant is located just beside the main road.

The name of the restaurant is called "Chaun Yi Ping".
The food here is fresh and delicious.

My Favourite "HOT DOG"!!!


A boring Raining Day Part I

When i was waiting for my friend, Eric to fetch me go work, the sky looked like so dark.
Initially i thought it won't raining as this few days the sky also looked like dark but no rain.
But once i get into Eric car, the sky start to rain heavily.
Why it won't rain when i was off.... "=.=
A wasted and boring raining day...Normally there's no much customer during raining day to come down to our showroom..
So i know i will fall asleep at my office today.... "=.=

The sky looked so dark...

It start raining once i get into Eric car.

The water drop on the car windscreen.

My friend Eric can save money on the car wash service. The rain just now had wash his car for free..

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Prawn Noodle

This is my lunch for today. Not my favourite lunch but no choice...
This is what the coffee shop have for today. "=.=

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Happy Family

When i look at this photo, i feel that i am a lucky guy in this world. :)
I have a pretty + cute wife who always encourage me whenever i am upset or facing problem...
My son is a naughty boy. Tooooo active "=.=
But when think back when i was small, i also a superb naughty boy. Haha..
My precious little princess,Elva. :)
Always smile at me whenever i reach home from work.
Her smile bring me happines and make me forget about my stressful work.
They all are my precious asset in my life. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Nissan GTR

Come across this article about the new Nissan GTR when i was surfing the net.
This car is the the favourite for all the car lover.
The highly-strung twin-turbo V6 engine outputs 473hp (353kW) and 588Nm (434lb-ft) of torque, performance numbers usually reserved for pricey sports cars that require servicing every couple of thousand miles as opposed to the usual ten thousand miles.
A lot of car lover have start to pre-order this car to fulfill their satisfaction on the speed of the road. :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Basic Theory Of Driving Test

Today is my basic theory of driving test.
A valid Singapore Driving license is required in order to drive in singapore. So i need to pass this basic theory in singapore to drive here. "=.=
Actually i had enrolled to this basic theory test at August. And i never study hard on it since i tooooo lazy to read on the book. ^^
But scare of fail force me to study hard on it. "=.=
Because i will have to wait for my next turn if i fail on this exam and normally it take up to few months to reach my turn. "=.=
So i study hard on it since 2 days ago (I always pray and hope that it still not too late for me to catch up).
And finally today is my turn.
This morning raining heavily. But lucky my test time is on 3:15pm.
At about 1pm, i left my house and bring along all my "weapon" to Singapore Driving Test Center at Ubi Ave 4.
Before i went for my test, i went through a "Trial" test paper at 3rd floor. And i had passed the trial test. ^^
Feel so happy and went down to downstair. Take a break before i went for my actual test.
3:10pm sharp.. I sit inside the room and the lecturer is guiding us the correct way to answer all the 50 question through a touch screen pc.
3:15pm~~Test started now....
I completed the whole 50 question in less than 30 minutes. ^^ Be frank, some question i am using "tembak" way to answer. loool.
After i clicked on the "END TEST" button, the test result come out straight way.
Yeah!! At last i was able to drive in singapore with a lifetime international driving license.
So now i just need to convert my current malaysia driving license to Singapore driving license.
Feel so excited today.
So my next step is work hard and buy a car in singapore. ^^
Don't want to waste my effort for obtaining this Singapore International Driving License. ^^

Rain just stop when i was on my way to bus stop.

Waiting for bus no 5. Waiting for almost an hour before it finally come. "=.=

My Precious "Weapon" 1.

My Precious "Weapon" 2.

Yeah!!! Finally i pass the test!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sony Ericsson K 810

Heard that Sony Ericsson K810 is good at shooting photo.
Below is the photo taken by K810 out of curious.

The photo in landscape mode is clear.

This photo was taken at Auto mode during my way back home from work.

The overall performance for this K810 is good and easy to use.
Especially on the camera function. ^^

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Quite busy with my works recently. Just realize that i have neglect my family aside.
So decided to bring them out for shopping at Bugis since my daughter,Elva is having an appointment with KK hospital today.
When i bring them go to bugis, they feel so happy. I feel so sorry when i look at their happy face.
I just realize that how important family are for me..
No matter how stressful i am with my work, they always beside me.
And i just bring them out barely a day but i can feel how happy they are when they found out i going to bring them out for shopping.
I promised them that no matter how busy i am, i will still bring them out next time.

Finally reached Bugis after bring my daughter go for KK Hospital appointment.

Happy son and daughter!!

On the way to Guan Yin Temple.

My son and me :)

Happy baby 2007

Super baby model 2007!!!

Ermm..Is time to teach my son how to smile naturally in front of camera "=.=

I join the fun when my son was playing the water at Bugis Junction. :)