Thursday, December 11, 2008

My beloved wife

A woman who always support me when i'm facing difficulties in my life..
And that woman is my beloved wife, Li Ling.
I feel so lucky to marry you as my wife.. ^^
Even though i still can't provide you everything,but i will never forget the tougher time we went through together.. ^^
I will love you forever..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My second younger brother is going back Kuching

My second younger brother,Ah b finally decided to go back Kuching.
He had tendered his resignation few weeks ago and decided to go back Kuching.
My wife and i sent him to Changi Airport and i have take this opportunity to take some photo of the Singapore International Airport. Actually not much photo was taken though..
My brother flight is at 8:35pm. We reached there about 6:30 pm.
Not sure whether will my brother come back to singapore or not because he said that the life here is not easy.
Yea..Life is touch in Singapore now because of the financial crisis.
He told me that maybe he will coming back but may not be that soon...
Anyway, Chinese New Year is coming soon and maybe he can take this opportunity to rest and enjoy the Chinese New Year at my hometown.

This photo was taken inside the taxi. Nowadays some taxi have install the mini tv behind the seat to make the customer feel relax and pass time..

All the flight info can be clearly seen from here.

Inside the airport is very big and a lot of counter is available to avoid the "traffic jam". ^^
And total of 3 terminals is available in Singapore Airport. Each Terminal serve difference airline.
We are in Terminal 1 because my brother is taking AirAsia for his flight. And Airasia Airline is located at Terminal 1.

My brother is queueing to check in his luggage.

This train is convenience for passenger to travel from terminal 1 to terminal 2 and terminal 3.

Entrance of the Changi Airport.

A lof of passenger from difference country can be seen here.

My self portrait. ^^

My brother's hair is too long... "=.= He like to keep long hair because he said he looked style in this way.
I wonder is he really looked style in this way? ..................

My brother and i.

My lovely wife and i. ^^

This is terminal 3. The interior design is very unique.

A cute little girl pose on this small stage while i was taken photo of the mickey mouse behind her.

My wife was too scare to take the elevator because the elevator is too steep.
So she choose to sit on it instead of standing on it. Haha..

My wife looked more like a teacher when she is wearing her spec. ^^

Ok..It's time to go back home now....Last photo of today trip... ^^

Monday, October 27, 2008

We'll Miss You

This tortoise have been with us for almost 1 year.. We took it home when it was still young..
But since it getting bigger every day, my wife and i have decide to let it go back to where it belong to..
After discussed, we decided to put it at the reservoir which is beside our place.
I had took some of its photo before i bring it to the reservoir..

It was still so active and playful whenever i come near it. :)
When the time we brought it back, it always play with us.
That time it still so small.

And now it have grow up and getting bigger.
My kids also have a very sweet time with this little tortoise. All of them insist to follow me when they know i am going to put it back to the reservoir.

My daughter greets everyone she saw at the reservoir park. The uncle behind her was so happy when my daughter say "Hi!!" to him. ^^

It is evening time now and the sky is getting darker.
We hurry rush to the reservoir and put the tortoise into the reservoir.

After a long wait,my wife finally found a good spot to put it into the reservoir.
I forget to take the photo when i put it into the water.. "=.=
Firstly it still can't get used to the water because it keep floating up..
After a while, it finally swim deep into the water....
Both of my kids keep saying :"No More~~~......"
Hope the little tortoise can get used to the environment there...
We will always miss u....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Old Memory

Old photo always give us a lot of memory when we look back on those days.
I happened to flip some of my old photo album just minutes ago and saw a lot of photo which i took when was first come to singapore.
It is really sweet and memorable memory for me. When i first come to singapore, i was staying at a hostel with few of my friends.
All of them still in singapore now but we hardly got time to come out for gathering.
So by looking back at these old photo, it really give me a lot of sweet memory about when we were all work together and go out for fun together.
Actually this is the main reason why i like to take photo whenever i have time.
We can't always remember what had happen past,but by looking back at those old photo, it always make us remember back what we'ved go through.

First time come to singapore and staying at one of the company's hostel at Boon Lay.
The photo above was taken just outside of my hostel.
I was staying there with 2 of my friends, Ah Chung and Ah Qing.

Just finish from work. A tiring day..

This is how my hostel look like. A bit messy...Hehe..

This photo was taken when i resign from my first job at singapore and join CISCO police force as a Cisco Police Officer.
If i still remember correctly, i went through the whole training for about 7 weeks.
This photo was taken when we were about to graduate from the Cisco Police Academic.
The training is not easy and i really had a tough time in there. :(
But with my superb determination, i still manage to complete the whole training and graduate as a Certified Cisco Polce Officer.
Click HERE for the original size of this photo.

This is my Squad Commander. Forget his name already.. "=.= Just still remember that he is a very strict guy. Never ever playing a fool against him.

I still remember i like to play counter-strike online game when i was working at Cisco.
Everytime after work, i will rush down to the Grandlink Square to play my favourite game.
And i get known few friends from there too.. And photo above is 3 of my online game mates.
We know each other through this game too.

This photo was taken when i go visit my friends at Changi Village. We all went to the beach nearby there and enjoy our day there by swimming and playing basketball.

Really feel so relax and enjoyable when i look back at my old photo.
Eventhough time is not reversible, but i still feel so happy because i ever went through all this happy moment before.
And i will always remember all of this sweet memory....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

老婆,生日快乐!! :)

15th of Oct is my wife's 23th birthday. Since both of us are working on that day, i'ved decide to have an early celebration with her.
There's no any candle or birthday cake for her. I bring her out for a memorable dinner at one of the restaurant at parkway parade.
My precious son and daughter was there too to celebrate their mum birthday. Even though the celebration is simple,but i know that my wife is very happy with it as her precious son and daughter was there to celebrate her birthday with her.
Actually i was thinking of giving her a surprise on her birthday but she is going to work and study on that day.
Anyway, we did have a great dinner and all of us feel happy. Especially my cute wife.
Dear....Wish u happy birthday and happy always..

Anson & Elva :" Happy birthday to u, mum!!" :)

My wife did enjoy the dinner very much. Hehe..

Hardly got time for both of us to take photo together...So i took this opportunity to take a photo together with my wife. And my brother become the camera man. ^^

Dear, Happy Birthday To U!!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Family Day

Today is my rest day. Had promised my kids that i will bring them out for "Family Day" today. ^^
Early in the morning, my wife and i bring them go to Vivo City and China Town.
Both of my kids have never been to Vivo City before so i decided to bring them go there to spend our precious sunday. ^^

It's time to go now!!

We reached the Vivo City. ^^

This is outside the main entrance of the Vivo City.

1,2,3 Smile!! :)

Vivo City

My son start feel hungry once he step into Vivo City. So i bring them go to KFC for lunch.

My son likes to eat chicken and my daughter likes to eat french fries.

Yummy!!! ^^

My daughter like to play together with her brother. Both of them was so happy to play inside the car.

It's time to go to China Town now.

My son feel tired and sleepy once we reach Chinatown.

Chinatown is a place where you can see a lot of tourist here.

Most of the item here is very unique and cute. ^^