Sunday, October 19, 2008

Old Memory

Old photo always give us a lot of memory when we look back on those days.
I happened to flip some of my old photo album just minutes ago and saw a lot of photo which i took when was first come to singapore.
It is really sweet and memorable memory for me. When i first come to singapore, i was staying at a hostel with few of my friends.
All of them still in singapore now but we hardly got time to come out for gathering.
So by looking back at these old photo, it really give me a lot of sweet memory about when we were all work together and go out for fun together.
Actually this is the main reason why i like to take photo whenever i have time.
We can't always remember what had happen past,but by looking back at those old photo, it always make us remember back what we'ved go through.

First time come to singapore and staying at one of the company's hostel at Boon Lay.
The photo above was taken just outside of my hostel.
I was staying there with 2 of my friends, Ah Chung and Ah Qing.

Just finish from work. A tiring day..

This is how my hostel look like. A bit messy...Hehe..

This photo was taken when i resign from my first job at singapore and join CISCO police force as a Cisco Police Officer.
If i still remember correctly, i went through the whole training for about 7 weeks.
This photo was taken when we were about to graduate from the Cisco Police Academic.
The training is not easy and i really had a tough time in there. :(
But with my superb determination, i still manage to complete the whole training and graduate as a Certified Cisco Polce Officer.
Click HERE for the original size of this photo.

This is my Squad Commander. Forget his name already.. "=.= Just still remember that he is a very strict guy. Never ever playing a fool against him.

I still remember i like to play counter-strike online game when i was working at Cisco.
Everytime after work, i will rush down to the Grandlink Square to play my favourite game.
And i get known few friends from there too.. And photo above is 3 of my online game mates.
We know each other through this game too.

This photo was taken when i go visit my friends at Changi Village. We all went to the beach nearby there and enjoy our day there by swimming and playing basketball.

Really feel so relax and enjoyable when i look back at my old photo.
Eventhough time is not reversible, but i still feel so happy because i ever went through all this happy moment before.
And i will always remember all of this sweet memory....