Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bedok Reservoir

Bedok reservoir is a reservoir located in the eastern part of singapore, to the north of Bedok New Town.
And i am staying just beside of this beautiful reservoir. I always thinking of going there to take some photo but too lazy to walk there. Hehe..
A lot of people like to jogging and fishing there. And a lot of water activities such as wakeboarding, sailing, kayaking and canoeing can be found here.
The scene there is very beautiful especially after rain and evening time when the sunset.
A heavy rain just stop few minutes ago and the sun is coming out now..I check on my watch,it show 4:45pm.
Yea..Maybe today is the time to go there take some evening scene photo. And maybe can take some sunset photo if i am lucky. :)
Let's go !!!

A little path to the reservoir.

Notice this beautiful scene while i'm on the way to the reservoir.

Wah..What a nice scene...Take out my camera and shoot!!!

Hmm...Not a good sunset photo... "=.=

The bridge for fishing is still wet..

Little Boy :" I GOT YOU!!!! "

Have to be very careful when walking here....The bridge is wet.

A lot of people like to fish here...Especially after rain...

I love the scene after rain...

The street lights is on now...It's getting late now..

It's time to go back home ... :)

Panorama View Of Bedok Reservoir.