Sunday, March 26, 2006


22/03/2006 is my company Dinner & Dance..That day my company closed early at 5 p.m..
According to my colleague,there's a lot of GOOD STUFF for lucky draw waiting for us after our dinner such as notebook,pc,Mp3,Printer etc..
I pray for whole night that i want to become the lucky guy to get a notebook or pc..
But unfortunately,i'm not the lucky guy..I go back home with empty hand that night...
My friend,Roy was a Lucky Guy indeed...He walked away with a ACER Notebook..
So lucky...Feel happy for him..
But i will not give up so easily..Next year will be my LUCKY YEAR!!!!!
I will still aiming for Notebook..


This is the restaurant that we go.

Cheese Crab.

Shark Fin soup

Delicious Vegetables

Nice Froglet.

Spicy Crab & Black Pepper Crab


Left From Behind: Isa, James Mok (My manager), Daniel, Taufik.
Left From Front : Me, Jeremy Ong (My Supervisor), Foo

From Left : Taufik,Me,Gary & Roy

After dinner,we went to a pub, CHINAONE at Clarke Quay for Lucky Draw..

Spend time by playing pool with friend.

Good post huh? hehe..

Do i look like Jimmy White?