So early in the morning,i bring my wife to Dr Chan clinic for body checkup again to make sure everything in order.
After 30 minutes of body check-up, Dr chan said that my wife will be giving birth anytime now because my daughter can't wait for next year. lol.
But doctor asked us go back and held a"meeting" with our daughter to make sure she come out to this new world after 8-9 more days.
He said that Elva is too small now.. She will need to go in I.C.U if she come out within this few days.
So, my wife and i had held a "Family Meeting" with Elva and "force" her promised to come out after 8-9 more days. Haha...
Hope my little princess will fulfil our wish. ^^
Diagram again.. lol.. Dr chan said that this's the only way to check the baby movement inside the womb.
According to Dr Chan, based on this diagram reading, my little princess might can wait for another 7-8 days before she come out to this new world. ^^
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